90+ Net-Zero-Energy Home Resources

How do people interested in building a zero-energy home get started? The process usually begins with a lot of online research. Over the course of building two net-zero homes, we've read a lot, learned a ton, and gathered a lot of resources. Below are some of the top websites and online resources for homeowners and building professionals looking to expand their knowledge of zero-energy building. Enjoy!

Snow Shedding and Photovoltaics

When Alex and I built our net-zero-energy house in Seattle, we didn't have to worry much about snow. Seattle gets just under 6 inches of snow per winter. The Methow Valley couldn't be more different. Unlike mild Seattle, it is a place of extremes: extremely hot in the winter, very cold in the winter, and lots of snow—56 inches average per year.

Building a Cabin with Friends: An Evolving Co-Ownership Idea

Alex and I have been going to the Methow Valley for years. We've enjoyed skiing in the winter with family, camping with friends in the summer, running the Sunflower Relay marathon, and sampling tasty baked goods from the Mazama Country Store. Like so many people, we were attracted to the area's stunning beauty and ample opportunities for outdoor recreation.